Friday, November 2, 2007

23 Things Assignment #6

I've just finished experimenting with Google Docs. This is a great service and it's easy to imagine working more collaboratively with others both inside and outside TPL. I noted that speadsheets and presentations could also be shared in this space.

This does overlap with a lot of the file sharing capability we already have at TPL, although it is a little more formal having to go through IT to set the access permissions. This could be done using Google Docs on a more casual basis, quickly and easily between a group.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

23 Things Assignment #5

I have done some experimenting with tagging and searching in It is interesting to see which topics seem to have been tagged by a lot of people, and which seem to be less popular. I tagged a knitting site which I know is very popular in the knitting world, but it didn't seem to have been tagged by anybody on I did find a great knitting video site though, searching for popular sites tagged knitting. I'm not sure that I find this as helpful as some of the other tools we've tried. Although I have become quite a dedicated follower of my Bloglines feeds, which I hadn't expected.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

23 Things Assignment #4

Yes, this is a fun assignment. I like this warholized kitty cat ...

... and I can imagine using this bead cat as a pattern for cross stitch or needle point.

The generators are mildly amusing. I tried out the complaint generator, and then tried to imagine reponding to it. That's not the point I realize - need to lighten up!

Friday, October 5, 2007

23 Things Assignment #3

Well, I am more caught up on the local news in P.E.I., my home province, than I have been for many years. I signed up for an RSS feed for CBC P.E.I. and now I know that the potato crop harvest is going really well this year ...

I've also signed up for my favourite knitting blog. This has been nice - I'm not missing posts as I tend to do when I am busy.

Finally I signed up the NYT Book Review - a weekly, so I have not had any results yet. I get this at home in paper copy, so I'd save money reading it electronically. But it sure is nice to read in hard copy with Sunday breakfast.

You would need to think carefully about how many of these feeds you'd want to sign up for. Suspect it could really waste a lot of time, as you could wind up looking at things you wouldn't have bothered with.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

23 Things Assignment #2

We went walking along the English Promenade in the evening. Lots of people strolling and balmy breezes off the Mediterranean Sea.

Here is the beach where I went swimming every afternoon. The water was saltier than the Gulf of St. Lawrence off P.E.I. and the tides were almost non-existent.

Went to the Chagall Museum in Nice. Didn't see this painting, but enjoyed a lot of his other work.

23 Things Assignment #1

Better late than never! I'm just getting started with my 23 Things assignments after getting back from vacation. I'm looking forward to developing some new skills that will be useful to me at work and at home. This course offers the opportunity to learn in small steps and to be part of a group that is sharing the experience.